What Makes Good News?
News is information about events in society. It can be in the form of a newspaper, magazine, television show or a social media post. Regardless of how the news is presented, it must be accurate and unbiased. This can be difficult, as even the most unbiased journalist will have biases. This is why it is important to understand what makes a good news story and how a journalist obtains their information.
In order for a news story to be considered newsworthy, it must contain one of the following elements:
Exclusivity: Stories that have an exclusive nature or are available first to a news organisation. This includes interviews, letters and investigations. Breaking news: Stories about events that have occurred or are currently happening. This could include accidents, fires, murders and war. Conflict: Stories with a negative or confrontational tone such as controversies, arguments, splits, strikes, fights and insurrections. Bad news: Deaths, injuries, illnesses and losses (of a job or a fortune for example). This may also be considered an opportunity to highlight the importance of a particular cause.
Surprise: News stories that are surprising, contradictory or unusual. This could include unexpected events such as natural disasters, or news that goes against the public’s perception of what is right and wrong. Human interest: All societies are interested in the lives of famous people and what they do. This can be especially the case if they do something that is controversial or causes scandal.
The most important factor in deciding whether or not a news story is worthy of being published is its relevance to the audience. This includes its social, cultural and political context as well as the audience’s mood and needs at a given time. In addition, it is important to consider the fact that audiences want live news, as they seek immediate gratifications. This can be due to the rapid pace of life, technological changes and the desire for an enhanced sense of reality. The factors that influence the selection of news are complex and varied, and further research is needed to explore them in detail. However, some key points are worth noting: