What Is News?
News is information about current events that is obtained quickly and accurately from all places, and conveyed to the public without bias. It can be in written form or in spoken words. It includes any event that has happened or may happen in the future that is interesting or significant. Events such as war, government, politics, education, the environment and business are common topics for news stories.
Throughout history, people have transported news through oral means. It could be a story told by a colleague in the office, a newspaper article read at home or a news bulletin viewed on television. Originally, the word “news” was used to refer to any printed or published item that contained new and important information. Later, it was expanded to include information that was interesting and exciting to readers.
Today, news is available on the internet and television. It is also broadcast through radio and the press. It can also be gathered from public relations statements or social media. News is a source of knowledge about the world around us and it is an essential part of our daily lives.
How do journalists decide what is newsworthy? How do they determine which events deserve to be featured in a bulletin or on Page One of the newspaper? This question is not as easy to answer as it seems. It all depends on what the audience thinks is newsworthy, and this opinion will change over time.
A good news story has five main elements: It must be new, unusual, interesting, significant and about people. Whether the news is being reported in a local paper or on national TV, it needs to be presented in an attractive way and compel the reader to continue reading or watching.
The first paragraph of a news story should capture the reader’s attention by describing the key element that is being discussed. This is sometimes referred to as the “lede” or “lead.” Readers have a lot of options for their time and energy, so the lede must be compelling enough to keep them engaged. The story should then introduce the main issue, providing context and answering the questions who, what, where, when and why.
Crime is another topic that frequently makes the news. Any type of crime can be reported if it is significant or unusual, but more serious crimes such as murder usually have higher news value. Money stories also make the news, especially when they involve large sums of money. This can be anything from a fortune made or lost to school fees, taxes, salary increases, the budget, food prices and compensation claims.
Once the research is done, the writer should create an outline for the article following the upside-down pyramid format. This will help them organize the information based on its importance and ensure that no essential details are left out. The next step is to write the story itself, keeping in mind the audience for which it is being written. A general news article will have a larger audience than an in-depth piece on a specific subject, but the same elements of interest should be included.