What Makes Newsworthy?
News is information about important events or issues that affect people. It can be broadcast on television, printed in newspapers or posted on a website. The word “news” comes from the Latin nova, meaning new things. It is a constant source of fascination for most people and can be very interesting. However, not all news is accurate. It is essential to learn how to evaluate news articles to determine whether they are factual and balanced.
Students can learn about the characteristics of news by reading or listening to a variety of media sources and by studying the way these stories are presented. Some of the most important characteristics that make a story newsworthy include timeliness, drama, consequence, proximity and narrative.
An element of surprise is also often present in a good news story. This could be because the news is about a previously unknown event, or it is about an unusual or dramatic occurrence. In addition, a good news article should contain a clear and concise lead paragraph that summarizes the dominant point. This will be followed by a series of supporting paragraphs that provide details and context for the dominant point. The use of quotes from people close to or affected by the news provides credibility and helps to tell a story that will engage readers.
Another important feature of news is that it should be based on information which has been painstakingly gathered and verified. However, there are many different opinions about what actually constitutes true or factual information. This is one reason that it is important to listen to or watch a wide range of news sources, including television and radio programs and print and online publications.
The ability to decide what makes newsworthy is the responsibility of people who work in the news business. These people are known as gatekeepers, and they make decisions about which stories will appear in a newspaper, on a television or radio program, or on a website. They sift through recommendations from reporters and assistant editors and then make the final decision about what is newsworthy. These people are sometimes called editors or news directors.
To be newsworthy, a story must be new, unusual, interesting or significant. It must also be about people or about a specific place. For example, a coup d’état in the next country over is much more significant than a local murder.
A good news article will be balanced and objective, which means that all sides of a story are given equal coverage. This is difficult to accomplish, especially when it comes to political stories. The ability to balance political stories is essential for the health of democracy.
A good news writer will always check facts before publishing an article. Inaccurate information will discredit a publication and could harm the credibility of its writers. It is also important to know the audience for a news article. This will help to determine which facts are most important, what tone to take and how to cite sources.